Our Mission: Friends of Vancouver Lake provides leadership to restore our magnificent resource by partnering with public and private entities to ensure that Vancouver Lake provides enhanced environmental, recreational, and economic benefits to our community for current and future generations.
Our vision: Vancouver Lake is home to diverse fish, animal, and plant species, attracts outdoor and water recreation enthusiasts, and returns economic benefits for our region.
Our Board:
Our Core Principles:
Friends of Vancouver Lake Timeline:
The Eurasian Milfoil became an obvious issue to lake users
WA Dept of Natural Resources calls a meeting, held in Clark County, with representatives from WA DNR, WA DOE, WA DFW, Clark County , Port of Vancouver, City of Vancouver, Vancouver Lake Sailing Club, Vancouver Lake Rowing Club, and three other local rowing clubs.
Friends of Vancouver Lake forms to treat Eurasian Milfoil infestation
Friends of Vancouver Lake secures WA-DOE state permit to treat Milfoil
Lake Survey shows widespread Milfoil infestation
Planned treatment of Milfoil postponed due to adverse lake conditions
County Public Health Dept begins new testing for toxic algae with updated protocalls
Milfoil treated in lake and flushing channel
Treatment by Aquatechnex LLC,using ProcellaCOR
Cost: $150,000
Paid for by community donations and local public agency support
Post-treatment surveys show success
Economic study completed
Work begins with government agencies and elected officals to re-engage their interest and technical support
Begin working with Jacobs Engineering to look for long term solutions
New hydraulic modeling begins
Clark County hires Herrera Inc to begin work on a Lake Management Plan, with FoVL joining the Technical Advisory Group
Participation in Herrera Inc's Technical Advisory Group, working on a Lake Management Plan
The Columbian newspaper published a story about Vancouver lake –…
The Columbian newspaper published a story about Vancouver lake –…
The Columbian newspaper published a story about Vancouver lake –…